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 On-line Course

Integrating Sustainability and Risk Management

Sergio Focardi, PhD


Economies have changed but economic and finance theory has not followed the change. Risk management methodologies need to adapt to economies that have become evolutionary complex systems subject to increasing sustainability constraints. 


Sustainability has, and will have, a strong impact on the management of financial risks. This course looks at the practical aspects of financial risks in modern economies that are attempting to become sustainable. Classical risk models are linked to unconstrained expanding economies. This course discusses how risk models integrate with sustainability constraints and adapt to circular economies. 


The course will take place from February 19 to March 4 entirely online. There will be five sessions 19, 20, 26, 27 of February and 4 of March. Each course session lasts one and a half hours from 18:00 PM to 19:30 PM (CET).


The course includes PPT presentations and course text. Registrations of the course will be made available to participants. Course participants can send emails with questions and comments to the instructor at At the end of the course, the teacher will prepare a text with the discussion of the questions and observations.



The price of the course is 200 €.

For members of the CFA Societies, price is 150 €.


Click here to dowload the brochure of the course.


Click here to register.




















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